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2013-2014 Yearbook Sales!

The Ponca Annual Staff is happy to announce that 2013-2014 yearbook sales are under way!

Yearbooks may be purchased from any of the staff members and will be delivered at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Annual Staff Members include:
Angelica Antonio
Connor Brandt
Madison Charlson
Hannah Cook
Abby Hayes
Lindsey Kvidera
Brook Lundin
Alexis Markworth
Tara Millard
Jada Rush
Kim Stowe
Abby Sullivan
Alisha Sullivan

Because of rising production costs, we will be raising the purchase price over the next couple of years. The 2013-2014 yearbooks will be $25 until May 1st. After that, the price will increase to $30 until September 1, 2014.

Be sure to catch an annual student today to purchase your yearbook!


Yearbook Cover.JPG


Dear Parents,

          The Ponca High School Yearbook staff is kicking off their 2013-2014 yearbook sales.The cost to buy a yearbook is $25 until May 1st, and then the cost will be increasing to $30 until September 1st.If you would like to purchase a yearbook, please complete the bottom and return it to school with your payment.

                                                                   Thank you for your support,

The Ponca Annual Staff




Name            ______________________        Student’s Name & Grade

                      ______________________                  ____________________



_____ Quantity

_____ Total Cost (Qty. x $25 if paid by May 1, x $30 if paid after May 1)


Please make checks payable to Ponca Public Schools.