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Ponca School

Elementary - Ponca


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Dacia Jensen

Mission Statement

The mission of the Ponca Public School Guidance Program is to empower all students to reach their maximum potential in the areas of academics, career, and personal/social development.

Philosophy Statement

Every individual in our school system matters.  Every individual has the potential for growth and development.


We believe that Ponca Public School's Guidance Program will:

*teach life skills for all students

*are for all students

*are proactive and preventative

*are competency based and goal directed

*provide a safe place for problem solving

*help children develop into successful adults

*are an integral part of a total school program

*understand and value student's capabilities

*facilitate and support the reciprocal integration of curriculum

*include career, academic, personal/social issues and are age-appropriate

*promote a healthy school culture which is supportive and collaborative among parents, students, and staff

We further believe that:

*learning is life-long

*all students can learn

*students who believe in themselves are more open to learning

*society as a whole benefits from a comprehensive school guidance program