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Ponca School



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Students to Participate in Strong Foundations 6th Grade Honor Band

Strong Foundations Honor Band

Seven Ponca 6th graders will be participating in the Strong Foundations Honor Band on January 11th at West Middle School.  The students selected to participate are Alyssa Swick- Flute, Addie McGill- Clarinet, Grace Rooney- Clarinet, Lucas Hoesing- Tenor Sax, Zach Fernau- Trombone, AJ Janssen- Baritone, and Chase Kastning- Tuba.  

Over 400 students from 39 schools in 3 states were nominated for this honor band.  Students were selected to fill two bands averaging of 115 members each.  Alyssa, Addie, Grace, and AJ will be in the Green Band directed by Mr. Jim Fritz, a retired band director from Decorah, IA.  Zach, Lucas, and Chase were selected for the White band under the direction of Mrs. Liz Fritz, a former band director and current technology coordinator from Decorah, IA.

Students will be rehearsing that afternoon for a public performance at 6:00 pm Monday, January 11th in the West Middle School Gym in Sioux City.  Tickets are $4 for adults.