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PowerSchool - Single Parent Login

With single sign-on access parents/guardians can access all their children in the Ponca School District with one login and one password.  To get started, you must go to the PowerSchool Parent Portal from the school website click on the button "Parent/student PowerSchool" on the right side of the website.  Complete the following steps:

1.  Click create account

2.  Fill in the following information:  your first name, last name, email address, user name you want to use when logging into powerschool and  password (password must be at least 6 characters).

3.  Enter your child's first and last name

4.  Enter your  Student Access ID:  (will be given out at the school open houses)

5.  Enter your Student Password:  (will be given out at the school open houses)

Repeat steps 4-6 for each child.

6.  Indicate how your are related to the student by choosing the appropriate association from the pop-up menu.

7.. Click Enter--the login page appears.  Enter the login name and password you created.  

With PowerSchool, parents/guardians can access vital information about their children quickly and accurately. You can see the results of tests and assignments as soon as they are recorded, enabling you to  intervene quickly if necessary. Day in and day out, PowerSchool can help you help your child achieve their potential.  Another great feature is the lunch balance that can be accessed online.  You will be able to see an itemized listing of activity taking place on your child's lunch account daily by accessing your child's account and clicking on the $ icon.  You can also see your child's updated attendance record daily.  If attendance is being reported incorrectly please contact the school immediately so that it can be corrected. 

Parents and Students have different login names and passwords.  As a parent please login with the parent information and have your child login with their own login information.  This will be given out at the open houses as well.

If you need additional information you may contact me at kristiehayes@poncaschool.org or by telephone at (402)755-5725.