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2021-22 Safe Return to School Plan

Approved July 19, 2021


Return to School

Per Federal mandate, this document outlines the plans for Ponca Public Schools as we address the status of the COVID-19 Pandemic for the 2021-22 school year.  It is the intent of the Board of Education to start the school year with as close to normal school operations as possible.  The Board will consider revising the plan at the January board meeting. The Board is asking for your input on the plan.  Please click here to access the community input form.   

The plan is to start school on August 12, 2021, five days a week.  The plan is for all students to return to school following normal school hours – Green Status. The district does not intend to offer a virtual, hybrid, or remote learning option.  If the need arises to move to an alternate schedule or return to remote learning at home – Yellow Status or Red Status, changes will be communicated in a timely manner.  Any changes will be communicated as quickly as possible via School Messenger, poncaschool.org, email, and Ponca Public School social media pages.  Changes will be made based on updated directed health measures, advice from public health, and advice from local medical professionals.

 Educational Procedures

  • Green Status:
    • All students and staff will participate in traditional in-person school. The planned 2021-2022 calendar will be utilized. Risk cannot be eliminated, but health and safety measures will be designed to minimize risk as much as possible.
  • Yellow Status
    • This status would be implemented in the event that we have directed health measures that require social distancing in classrooms or limiting the number of students in a classroom.  
      • Examples could include...
        • Students remain in the classroom with teachers rotating to students.
        • Assessments on campus during remote learning
        • Serving Special Education and other select groups on campus
        • Students remain in the classroom to complete e-learning with support of a single teacher.
  • Red Status
    • Students and staff will participate 100% remotely. No students will be on campus. All instruction will be conducted remotely.

Proposed Health and Safety Measures

The Return to School Plan focuses on two essential objectives.

  1. Health and safety for students, staff and the community.
  2. School functioning as normally as possible to promote the best learning environment possible.

The Safe Return to School Plan focuses on important fundamentals to promote health and safety, keeping the school open, and promoting an effective learning environment.  The intent is for the following procedures to be implemented on August 12.

  1. Wearing of masks – wearing of masks will be optional for anyone on school property and anyone riding school transportation. 
  2. Sanitation – normal hygiene and cleaning procedures will be followed.
  3. Social Distancing – no restrictions on social distancing.
  4. Exposure Response and Positive Cases – students and staff who have been in close contact with a person who is positive for COVID will be symptom monitored.  Students and staff who test positive will be isolated and quarantined per public health guidelines.
  5. Providing information on research based screening and diagnostic testing, and implementing as appropriate.
  6. Providing information on vaccinations and the availability of vaccinations for all associated with the school community.
  7. Making appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies.

Other mitigation strategies may need to be implemented if there is an outbreak of COVID.  The strategies will be implemented in consultation with the school nurse, Northeast Nebraska and Dakota County Public Health Departments, and state health officials.  The Board of Education shall have the sole authority to modify the Safe Return to School Plan.  Other strategies may include:

       1.  Universal and correct wearing of masks over the nose and mouth.

       2.  More frequent sanitation of the physical plant, and more frequent handwashing.

       3.  A return to social distancing during the school day and at school events per public health guidelines.  

In Summary

Having school on site with everyone in the building is a priority. For that to happen, everyone must be purposeful about being healthy and keeping each other healthy - during the school day, at school functions, and as we live our lives outside school. Everyone’s effort is necessary and appreciated!

Flexibility, adaptability, and considerations for others, must be at the forefront of everyone’s thought process.  Decisions will be made with the best interest of everyone in mind, realizing those decisions may not be convenient or popular.  As a district, we thank you for your flexibility and cooperation.