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Ponca School



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Student Fund Raiser to Support Ponca and Jackson Fire Departments

As one of the character lessons on citizenship at Ponca School prior to Christmas, money was collected from the students and staff to purchase teddy bears/stuffed animals for the Ponca and Jackson/Dakota City Fire Departments.  These teddy bear donations served as a way to thank the fire departments for helping with school related activities including: homecoming, fire prevention lessons, and rescue presence at ball games throughout the year. Two hundred and twenty dollars was raised by the K-12 students and staff for this effort.  Half of the money was donated by one week’s worth of lollipop sales by the elementary student council (representing all PreK-6 students and staff) and the other half was raised by the 7-12 grades’ character teams.   With that money 44 teddy bears/stuffed animals were purchased.  Twenty two of those bears were given to the Ponca Fire Department and the other 22 stuffed animals were given to the Jackson/Dakota City Fire Department.   Ponca Fire Chief Brad Krohn said that the fire departments give teddy bears to children of families who have suffered through any type of loss by fire or who are transported in a rescue vehicle. Bob Kneifl and Brad Krohn (representing the Ponca Fire and Rescue Department) and Doug Janssen (representing the Jackson/Dakota City Fire and Rescue Department) were presented the stuffed animals by the Ponca Elementary Student Council members and Ms. Ryan’s character group on Tuesday, January 15, 2013.