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2020 Ponca Public School Virtual Veterans Program

Ponca Public School Virtual Veterans Program 

Submitted by Cindy Anderson

In honor of Veterans Day celebrated on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, Ponca Public Schools hosted a school and community-wide virtual program.  

Veterans and auxiliary members from the American Legions of Ponca, Jackson, Newcastle, current military men and women, community members, Ponca school board members, and school administrators, staff, and students were invited to virtually attend the observance through a link at the school’s website: www.poncaschool.org.  This link will still be available for anyone interested to view post-Veterans Day. 

  Elementary student council secretary Kora Bruening led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the Ponca High School band playing the National Anthem.  

Elementary and high school student council presidents, Elsie Keller and Josie Reid, gave the welcome.  High school student council vice president Addie McGill read a proclamation by President Trump. 

Dr. Adam Webb directed the third through sixth grade students in singing, “A Grateful Nation.”  Dr. Webb also directed the 7-12 grade chorus in singing, “Who Are the Brave,” while the 7-12 grade band, directed by Mrs. Jessica Steckly, played, “For Our Heroes.”

Jackson Legion Auxiliary sponsored an Americanism Essay contest last spring for students in grades 3-6. The following students whose first place essays were judged at the state level, read their essays:  Class 1-Grades 3 & 4- Brayden Waterbury (currently a 5th grader), Class 6-Alternative-Anna Stroud (currently a 6th grader), and Class 2-Grades 5 & 6 -Mia Krusemark (currently a 7th grader). 

High school student council member Kaden Fields recognized:  Ponca High School senior Brandon Mellick, who has made plans to enlist in the United States Air Force and specialize in aircraft mechanics. 

Ponca High School Student Council member Zach Fernau introduced his dad, guest speaker Sgt. 1st class E-7 Brian Fernau, a member of the 189th Transportation Company Wayne Armory, Nebraska Army National Guard for 24 years. Sgt. Brian Fernau talked about his service in Iraq from 2005-2006 and also his service in helping with the Pilger tornado, the 2019 Nebraska flooding, and the recent riots in Omaha.

Josie Reid, introduced Vice Commander of the Nebraska American Legion and President of the Nebraska Medal of Honor Foundation (Highway 20 Sign Project) Daryl G. Harrison. Mr. Harrison spoke about getting legislation to rename Nebraska Highway 20 as the Nebraska Medal of Honor Highway to honor the seventy-four Nebraska Medal of Honor recipients. Nebraska is the fifth state to rename Highway 20, and Mr. Harrison is assisting the remaining states across Highway 20 in having their segments renamed.

Grace Rooney and Gunnar James, treasurers of the high school and elementary student councils, presented a donation in the amount of $1,331.36 to Mr. Daryl Harrison. The donation was made possible from proceeds from character meetings, student and staff donations, the Ponca Music Boosters, the Ponca Education Association, and the Ponca Elementary Student Council Dance proceeds. 

Mr. Duane Krusemark, Ponca Public Schools’ Superintendent, gave the closing remarks.

The virtual program was previously video-taped, and the program link posted on the school website and projected on a new large screen for students and staff on Veterans Day by Ponca Schools’ technologists, Mrs. Kristie Hayes and Mr. Andy Stark.